What services are available to online students?
NCC online students have access to the full range of library services that are available to all NCC students, faculty, and staff. This includes 24/7 access to all library electronic journals, databases, eBooks and streaming video from off-campus. Log in using your Northampton SSO credentials.
Items from the library's physical collections can be requested by online students using Library to Go.
Online students can also get research help from our librarians. Connect with them in real-time through the online chat from the library website, www.northampton.edu/library, or email them at askthelibrarian@northampton.edu. Our librarians also offer virtual research consultations through Book a Librarian request. This will provide one-on-one research assistance and guidance.
You can also access video tutorials for different resources on the NCC Libraries YouTube channel or review our Research Guides for specific subject, class, and assignment help.