Do you have online access to a certain journal, magazine, or newspaper?


Our Publication Finder tool shows if we have digital access to a certain publication, the extent of our access, and which databases that access is through. 

How to Search Publication Finder

Within Publication Finder, start by typing the title (or partial title) of the publication you are looking for into the search box at the top of the page. If we have digital access to the publication, you will see it listed in the results.

Next, click on the plus sign symbol next to Full Text Access. This expands to a list of all our databases and collections where you can find full text articles from the publication. It also shows the extent or scope of our access and if our subscription has any conditions or limitations. 

From here, choosing a listed database by clicking on its name will take you to specific issues or articles. Once on the publication's page within that database, you can either search within the contents by topic or keyword or you can browse for articles by filtering with publication year or issue information. 

See a Search Demonstration

View our video tutorial on using Publication Finder to see a search and to learn more about it. 

  • Last Updated May 26, 2022
  • Views 70
  • Answered By Diane Hahn

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