What is the difference between EBSCO Discovery Service and EBSCOhost?


EBSCO Discovery Service

EBSCO Discovery Service is a search tool that searches most of the library's individual databases and SpartaCat, the library catalog, at one time in a single search box.

Using this tool with the Full-Text search limiter applied searches almost 'everything' we have access to, either in our physical collections or digitally through our subscriptions, regardless of publisher or provider. 

Because EBSCO Discovery Service does not provide a comprehensive listing of all the library's resources, there may be times when it will be useful to search individual databases. There may also be times when searching a few relevant databases or SpartaCat directly is helpful. 


EBSCOhost, or EBSCOhost Research Databases, is one collection of databases the library subscribes to. 

When using this tool, you will need to choose which specific EBSCO content and collections you want to search in. Some will be selected by default for you. Searching EBSCOhost / EBSCOhost Research Databases does not search our databases by other providers (Gale, ProQuest, JSTOR, InfoBase for example) the way EBSCO Discovery Service does. 

  • Last Updated Dec 12, 2022
  • Views 1797
  • Answered By Diane Hahn

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