I have a library hold in Workday. What is this?


Students with outstanding financial obligations to NCC, including those for lost or damaged library materials, will have a "hold" on their account in Workday and may not be permitted to register for a subsequent semester, receive official/unofficial transcripts or grades, or participate in graduation until the hold is cleared.

To pay an outstanding balance in person at the Library, go to the Circulation Desk or Information Desk and provide a photo ID. Cash and credit cards are accepted.

To pay an outstanding balance in Workday, follow these steps:

  1. From the Finances dashboard, under My Account, click View Account Activity
  2. Click on the Make a Payment button to be taken to the Online Student Payment Portal. 
  3. Enter a Payment Description and Amount and click Okay, then Confirm
  4. Choose Make a Payment from the menu on the left.  Fill in the payment method information and click Continue.  

Payment receipts will show in the Transactions tab, but changes to your account will not be visible until the next day.

If you were charged a replacement fee for a lost or damaged item but are able to return it to the Library in good condition, your fees may be waived.  

  • Last Updated Dec 13, 2022
  • Views 61
  • Answered By Dev Albarelli

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