I need sources for an assignment. How do I find them?


The library's print and digital collections are specially curated for student research topics and NCC research assignments. You have a few different options for searching library collections. 

Try Our Most Popular Search Tools

The easiest way to search across our collections is by using our EBSCO Discovery Service search tool. Be sure to apply the full-text search filter if you want to be able to immediately read or view any of the digital items included in the results. 

You could also start with SpartaCat, the library catalog, if you specifically want to find books, e-books, and streaming videos the library owns or has access to. 

Some of our other individual databases and collections are very useful when you are just starting your research and include information on most topics and subjects. These include:

Find a Database that Meets Your Needs

Each of the library's individual subscription databases has a slightly different focus. They might contain information about particular topics or subjects or even specific types of sources. To find a database that is suited to your topic, assignment, or needs, visit our Databases A-Z list and use the Subject or Database Type filters you see there. 

  • Last Updated Dec 22, 2023
  • Views 115
  • Answered By Diane Hahn

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