Which librarian is assigned to my academic school?
Each academic school within NCC has a librarian liaison or liaisons assigned to work with the faculty and staff in it, as follows:
School of Business & Industry
- Anne Bittner, abittner@northampton.edu
School of Health Professions & Sciences
- Evonne Loomis, eloomis@northampton.edu
School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
- Dev Albarelli, dalbarelli@northampton.edu
- Diane Hahn, dhahn@northampton.edu
- Cassandra Nieves, clnieves@northampton.edu
School of Education & Academic Foundations:
- Cassandra Nieves, clnieves@northampton.edu
- Diane Hahn, dhahn@northampton.edu
As part of the above liaison responsibilities, a librarian can teach classes, be embedded in a course throughout the semester, meet with students by appointment for research help, or create self-guided learning materials.
Not sure who to contact about your needs? You can reach all the librarians by emailing askthelibrarian@northampton.edu and we'll connect you with the one best able to help you.