What do I do if I'm having issues with a textbook access code?


Digital textbooks (from the Bookstore)

Some textbooks sold or rented by the campus bookstore include a one-time-use code to access digital materials, and sometimes codes are available for purchase without the physical book. Other textbooks may be available as a digital eBook.

Visit the bookstore's website for helpful information about accessing these items or contact them with questions. The eBooks section of NCC's Student Technology Prep Session may also be helpful if you are having issues with your digital textbook. 

If you are having issues accessing a digital textbook or courseware whose fee was included in your course tuition through your Blackboard course, you may try contacting the Textbook vendor directly (view a list of vendors and their contact information here). Depending on the nature of the issue, the Bookstore or your professor or instructor may also be able to provide some additional assistance.

Library eBooks

While the library isn't able to help with the above digital textbook access issues, if you are trying to view an eBook from the library's collections, signing in with your Northampton username and password when prompted should be all you need to do so.

  • Last Updated May 16, 2024
  • Views 287
  • Answered By Diane Hahn

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